Monday, May 18, 2009

Can you believe this?

I was watching the news last night, and the big news was that President Obama was the Keynote speaker at the University of Notre Dame's Graduation Commencement. I couldn't believe there were protesters at the this event because of President Obama's views on abortion and stem cell research. Personally, I think abortion is a personal matter and shouldn't even be a debatable issue. I believe that it is the woman's right to choose what she wants to do with her body. I wouldn't have an abortion myself but I will not condemn a person who has one because it is between that person and God. Those are my thoughts on the issue. I just couldn't believe those protesters went to that graduation and tried to ruin the event for those students who had worked so hard to get there. I remember when I graduated from Winston-Salem State University. I felt like I was on top of the world. I thought it was very selfish of the protesters to put their own personal agenda before those students who worked so hard and their families who wanted to proudly see them receive their diploma. They didn't deserve to have their day ruined and to have all that negative press. I'm all about fighting for what you believe in but don't do at the expense of the innocent.

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