Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Silent Protest

I think I am going to have a silent protest against Reality Shows, especially those in which people call in to vote. These shows are merely popularity contest. Whenever I watch these shows I always notice that the person with the most talent very rarely wins. It's always the person who is the most popular. The person who can get the most people to call in which is just wrong. I am venting because on Dancing with the Stars Lil' Kim got kick off but that Rodeo Cowboy danced for another week. Then, last night Gilles Marini lost to Shawn Johnson. How could anyone choose the gymnast over Mr. Sex in the City? Please has anyone looked at Dancing with the Stars Ever? My second protest is over the length of time it takes to announce the winner. Last week I watched the finale of The Biggest Loser, it took 3 hours to announce the winner, which was ridiculous. They would bring a person out for a short interview, they would show a clip of that person's weight loss history, then they would send the person to the back to put on their Biggest Loser workout clothes, then just before they step on the scale they show another clip of their weight loss history. If that wasn't enough to waste time I don't know what was plus they had a commercial break after every contestant. I had plan to write them a worded letter about their process. The America's Next Top Model's finale happened in one hour. They did a photo shoot, a commercial, they walked on the catwalk in fashion show and they showed the contestants clips in one hour. That's what I'm talking about, this 2-3 hours for a finale is ridiculous so I am protesting in silence against them all. Maybe I watch to much TV. I think I'm going to read a book.

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